Information to FOF ICT evaluators - Call 2014
Factories of the Future
This page provides relevant information and background documents for possible experts for the evaluation of Call
The Factories of the Future (FoF) initiative is part of the HORIZON 2020 priority
Leadership in Enabling and Industrial Technologies (LEIT). This Public-Private-Partnership (PPP) aims at helping EU manufacturing enterprises, in particular SMEs, to adapt to global competitive pressure by improving the technological base of manufacturing across a broad range of sectors.
The contractual Public-Private Partnership on Factories of the Future will build on its successes achieved since its launch in 2009 as a part of the European Economic Recovery Plan. The initiative will help European industry to meet increasing global consumer demand for greener, more customized and higher quality products through the necessary transition to a demand-driven industry with less waste and a better use of resources.
For more info see